chai and kai

Welcome to Guma Yo'Åmte (House of Healers)

Hafa adai, Pås yan Guinaiya para Todus!

 (Peace and Love to all who enter here!)

This is a Sacred Space and Place and we welcome you!


Håya Foundation is a non-profit VOLUNTEER organization!  Our Mission is to “Enhance the well-being of our People”!

Håya Foundation invites you to partake of this tradition of over 4000 years!    We ask that you acknowledge our values of Inafamaolek, Inagofli’e, Respetu yan Umitdi which are  in harmony with the practice of healing!

  • Healers are humbled for the Gift of Healing and the honor given them by people who ask for help.
  • In the Spirit of Inafamaolek, people show them  honor, respect and care for their willingness to heal, the sacrifices they make to collect the medicinal plants, preparing it,  protecting and passing on this sacred knowledge.
  • For traditional healing to work, it is important to follow the Healer's instructions and return when you are told for follow up  appointments, which are typically three or more visits.

Healers  do not charge a fee for their services.  This has been quite a challenge and struggle for they have no steady form of income and often rely on the generosity of people.

Please show your appreciation for the well-being of I man Yo’Amte siha by Giving from your heart.  This may be done through monetary gift or goods in the spirit of Inafamaolek.  There are a few who have taken advantage of the Gift of our Healers and disrupts the Harmony!

Help us reclaim and revitalize this healing tradition to  enhance the well-being of our people by caring for those who need healing and the healers who care for us.  Let us re-establish a community of believers so our traditional healing practice may once again thrive for the well- being of our people!

Si Yu’os Ma’ase,